October 7, 2011

Spoke Too Soon!

Oh, I should have known. 
Just as soon as I posted my first In My Mailbox,
I go grocery shopping and see on the shelf
a book that I've been curious about,
for some time now.

The book is:
Miss Peregrine's
Peculiar Children
By Ranson Riggs.

I've been curious about this book because
It os a mix of my two loves:
Literature & Photography

I bought it.
No surprise.


two days later...
a woman from work hands me a
thank you card.
Inside is a
gift card, to B&N

So the books I buy with that
don't count


What Remains Now said...

I put in my vote that you read this soon. I'm curious about it. I just finished The Hunger Games trilogy thanks to your review. I loved the entire series.

Darlyn (Your Move, Dickens) said...

No, it doesn't count all. LOL. Looking forward to your review of Miss Peregrine, btw. :)